An Immersive, historically-themed theater company from Salem, Massachusetts

Upcoming Projects:

History Alive, Inc. continues to produce new work and collaborate with local organizations with like-minded missions. Upcoming projects include:

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Jenny Slew Sues for Her Freedom

The true story of a biracial woman who sued and won against the man who kidnapped and enslaved her. Thank you to the Salem Cultural Council, the Ipswich Cultural Council and the Hamilton-Wenham Cultural Council for providing the seed funding for this important narrative. During the pandemic we folded this live show into an outdoor experience, narrating a broader history of African-American activism on the North Shore.

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The Marble Flock

Thank you to the Salem Cultural Council for providing important funds for this multi-modal piece about the year Nathaniel and Sophia Hawthorne's family spent in Rome surrounded by classical art and a host of convention-challenging artists. During the pandemic we pivoted this from a live show to three-episode, illustrated radio play. We still dream of the live version on stage.


‘Tis the Season—Miss West, Miss King, Miss Forrester

‘Tis the Season

Join us to experience the Christmastide season from before Christmas was a holiday in America. After premiering in 2021 at the Old Town Hall, this play-with-music moved to the House of the Seven Gables in 2023.


Frederick Douglass and the Hutchinson Family Singers

Thank you to the Lynn Cultural Council and the Beverly Cultural Council for providing the seed funding for this musical and spoken word event focused on some of New England’s abolitionists from the 19th century. This group of songs can be broken out and hired for your event as well.


Perennial Projects

Christmas Caroling at Old Town Hall

Holiday Caroling

Hire us to add some musical wassail spice to your holidays! Email for additional information.
